Alher Mauricio Hernández



A. Mauricio Hernandez was born in Toledo (Norte de Santander, Colombia) in January 1973. Electronic Engineer (1996) by the Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA) and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering (2007) by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).

He is currently the Program Coordinator of Bioengineering at UdeA and leads the Bioelectronics and Clinical Engineering Research Group (GIBIC) from the same university in Medellín, Colombia.



He teaches subjects on Biomedical systems analysis at the Engineering Faculty in the UdeA. His courses at undergraduate, Master and PhD level are related to Linear and non linear Modeling and signal processing applied to biomedical systems. Currently, he is the Director of the Bioengineering Program and leads Master and PhD thesis in topics related to respiratory system analysis and instrumentation for neurosurgery.